Workshop on gases and bubbles in molten glasses from chemical engineering to geosciences

Organized by Franck Pigeonneau, Surface du Verre et Interfaces (Aubervilliers, France) and Benoît Rufflé, Laboratoire Charles Coulomb (Montpellier, France).

May 13

Various industrial processes involve multiphase flows. In such systems the dynamics is the result of interactions between phases.
In particular, bubbles in liquid undergo various phenomena such as, among others, nucleation, growth or shrinkage, coalescence or break-up. This physics occurs in a furnace of glass melting but also in a glass of Champagne.
Volatile species as noble gases and halogens or the system C-O-H-S are often dissolved in natural media like magma. The exsolution of these species are crucial to investigate the volcano eruption. The physics involved here is the same nature that for industrial chemical reactors.
During this workshop, we want to gather researchers working in various fields like chemical engineering, fluid mechanics, materials sciences, geophysics to draw the state of art on gases and bubbles in glasses and melts to address problems like nucleation, diffusion and sollubility of gases, chemical reactions
or multiphase flows.


The workshop will be organized around talks given by invited speakers following the list presented below :
A. Antkowiak Inst. d’Alembert (Fr) 

H. Behrens Inst. for Miner. (DE) 

E. Climent Inst. de Méca. Fluides (Fr)

M. Foret Labo. Ch. Coulomb (Fr) 

F. Gaillard Inst. Sci. Terre (Fr) 

J. Kloužek Lab. Inorganic Materials (CZ)

D. Laporte Labo. Magmas & Volcans (Fr)

M. Moreira Inst. Phys. Globe (Fr)

S. Peuget CEA (Fr)

N. Sator Lab. Phys. Theo. Mat. Cond. (Fr)

S. Vergniolle Inst. Phys. Globe (Fr)


This workshop is addressed to students or researchers working on topics close to gases and bubbles in glasses and melts coming from geophysics, materials sciences, chemical engineering or fluid mechanics and wanting to broaden the spectra of their knowledge.

Registration is free but mandatory.

Contact by email the organizers

The program is still open for few contributions.

Please send a title and a small abstract to the organizers if you want to contribute to the workshop.


Place : 

Paris, in Institut de Minéralogie et de Physique des Milieux Condensés on May 13, 2016.


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