IPT 2018 : place, dates and preselection process

December 3rd, 23:00 GMT: deadline for IPT 2018 registration

After spending Spring and Summer prospecting for potential candidates, We are happy to announce that we have secured a location for the upcoming edition. IPT 2018 will be held at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), in Russia - likely during the first week of April, to be confirmed yet. The official website is available at http://2018.iptnet.info and will provide all the necessary updated information.

Going back to where the IPT started to become truly international is a nice way to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the tournament. We cannot communicate yet on the number of teams allowed to join the edition - this remains contingent to the budget of the IPT 2018 Local Organizing Committee that has not been decided yet. The seats for the final phase of the tournament in Moscow will thus be more valued than usual, so on your side you can expect a fierce preselection process!

Registration for IPT 2018

The registration deadline for the IPT 2018 is December 3rd 2017, 23:00 GMT. You can register by email through your local IOC representative or directly to the Executive Committee if your country is not represented yet in the International Organizing Committee.

The preselection process

If more teams apply than the number of available seats, the participants will have to compete in a preselection process in order to determine who will join the international tournament.

Each team will have until January 7th, 23:00 GMT to submit a scientific style report on a finished or even unfinished solution to one of the the following three problems:

  • 2. Static speaker
  • 4. Origami launcher
  • 8. Candle lighting trick

As a reminder, the descriptions of the problems are available on our website.

The report must have a .pdf format and cannot exceed 5 pages (except the title page). You are free to enclose your own experimental material (videos, photos, computer programs - smaller than 10 MB in total) and to cite it properly in the report. Your reports will be judged on if they give a plausible solution, how well supported they are (experiment and/or theory), how innovative the solution is and how well all the possible solutions have been considered.

The reports will then be graded and returned to you by January the 15th with feedback, along with the result of qualification. Note that in the case that more teams than available seats apply, the three countries that made it to the final of the previous edition are automatically qualified (Ukraine, Sweden and France).

In addition, countries with national selections (at least 3 teams participating in physical fights format judged by jury, at least 2 fights), teams may choose from an additional two problems:

  • 3. Ink tree
  • 12. Particle detectors for dummies

Often the winner of the national tournament wins their country's seat in the tournament, should they also pass the international pre-selection stage.


  • December 3rd, 23:00 GMT: deadline for IPT 2018 registration
  • January 7th, 23:00 GMT: deadline for submission of the preselection reports (if the preselection process is engaged)
  • January 15th: results of the preselection process
  • ~First week of April: IPT 2018 at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology


Official website: http://2018.iptnet.info

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